
Beef stewed with cider


2Golden Rennet appel
lemon juice
4 Sticks of celery
500 glean beef
25 gButter
0.5 lcider|
frying oil


Peel the apples and cut in slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Wash celery and cut into little chunks. put flour on the beef.

Heat the frying oil in a frying pan and fry the beef brown on both sides. Add the celery and fry along for a while. Remove the meat from the pan. Add apple cider, pepper salt and coriander. When it boils put the meat back and simmer for 3 hours.

Add the apple slices 3 minutes before serving and let them simmer along.

Last modified at 2014-05-11T15:38:52+02:00 Last modified on 2014-05-11T15:38:52+02:00
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